Which GOP Presidential Candidate was Surprised when Sen. Kennedy Showed Up ad a Signing Ceremony?
Ted Kennedy has long been a proponent of the government forcing everyone to buy health insurance — or buy it for those who can’t afford it....
Ted Kennedy has long been a proponent of the government forcing everyone to buy health insurance — or buy it for those who can’t afford it....
Quote of the Day: “A note to social engineers of all parties: If you have to protect 3 million people from a brand-new law, it probably...
Open Letter to Melinda Gibson, Healthcare for America Now: Melinda, I am receipt of your recent email asking us to contact our legislators and ask they...
Quote of the Day: “The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits.” – Thomas Jefferson...
One year ago this week, ObamaCare became law. While the law has yet to be fully implemented, it’s clear that it spends too much, borrows too...
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “By preventing people and companies from taking care of themselves, government feeds its own growth.” – Downsize DC co-founder Harry Browne (1933-2006)...
Fellow Utahns, I’m pleased to announce that Mark Zuckerberg, the Founder and CEO of Facebook will be joining me for a Technology and Policy Forum at...