What do members of the Syracuse Elementary Community Council (SECC) do?
- Attend a monthly SECC meeting the 2nd Thursday of each month (note: this meeting is open to the community).
- Attend other district or school meetings, as scheduled.
- Help write and approve the School Improvement Plan.
- Give input and vote on monetary issues like fund-raisers and how the Land Trust funds are used.
- Review and approve the policies of Syracuse Elementary School (found in the handbook).
- Address issues and concerns as they arise-you are the voice of the community and represent parents from your area.
- Chair or serve on committees to improve the school and help with the annual community council school fund-raiser.
Community members are elected to serve for a two-year term on the council. You must be the parent or guardian of a child attending Syracuse Elementary School during your two-year term to be eligible.
This year there are three open seats on the community council. You may nominate yourself or another community member that you feel would represent you well.
Once the nominations have been received, they will confirm that the nominees are interested in serving on the council. The names and a brief bio of the nominees will then be presented to the
community. Parents will vote to elect the new council members at SEP conferences in March.