On On June 16, 2010 KNRS fired conservative talk-show host and columnist Bob Lonsberry due to “lower listener ratings” by PeopleMeter, but it seems more likely that he was dismissed over comments he made that were critical of Mike Lee, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate (and former Energy Solutions’ legal counsel).
Although I do not agree with Bob’s endorsement of Tim Bridgewater, I generally support Bob Lonsberry. As such, I wrote the following to the General Manager of KNRS:
Dear General Manager, KNRS, I listened to your station specifically for Bob Lonsberry. Now that he’s gone, I am too. If you’d like me back, bring him back. If not, do you know who is going to pick him up in the future? KSL Maybe? I’d like to get a head-start reprogramming my KNRS preset button. Maybe I’ll just switch over to listening to podcasts. Cordially, Joe Levi
If you’re interested in supporting Bob Lonsberry, check out BringBobBacktoUtah.com