Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Joe Levi

Cap and Tax Isn't Dead Yet!

Remember the Monthy Python bit where the guy came walking through the village clanging his bell and calling for everyone to “bring out your dead!” and...

Traffic Cones

They’ve been working on the main road by my house for well over a year now… and it’s finally looking like they’re almost done. True, there...

Got another donation!

I just got another donation to the mortgage/adoption fund! Thanks, @ChrisChavarro! If you’d like to donate, too, you can use these links: Donate $5 Donate $10...

Countdown To Victory, number 10

Please enjoy the tenth edition of “Countdown To Victory”, a weekly newsletter from the Utah Republican Party. This newsletter is released each Wednesday until the November...