On Saturday in Arizona, Federal Judge John Roll ,63; Dorthy Murray, 76; Dorwin Stoddard, 76; Christina Greene, 9; Phyllis Scheck, 79; and Gabriel Zimmerman, 30, were gunned down by a psychotic maniac at a Tucson mall. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head.
It was a terrible act of violence, and we pray for the victims and their families.
Sadly, this event has provoked the Liberals to come out swinging against conservative “hate speech.” They are using this event as a political tool to silence and suppress the views of those who disagree with them. I worry the legislation coming out of Washington is going to get worse under this President, especially after this tragedy. We must be alert, and keep an eye on our First Amendment Rights!
Rep. Jim Clyburn is calling for reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine. We must not let him succeed. Liberals have tried—and failed—several times to give traction to the idea of bringing back the Fairness Doctrine, but thankfully, more reasonable minds have prevailed.
But right now there is a great deal of emotion in Congress, and there is a great deal of rhetoric being thrown around, blaming conservatives for the Arizona massacre. If they keep up the drumbeat, this could be their moment to finally silence us. Media Matters CEO David Brock has asked Roger Ailes of Fox News outright to rein in or possibly even fire, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. The Left is out for blood—Will you help me Fax Congress and tell them to protect our First Amendment Rights?
Over the weekend, as Liberals lined up to unfairly attack conservatives without any facts to back them up, another threat to our First Amendment Rights was rearing its ugly head, this one far away from the media glare: Obama was quietly working on a plan to create a “National Internet I.D.” program. TheNational Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace, run through the Commerce Department, is about “enhancing online security and reducing and perhaps even eliminating the need to memorize a dozen passwords, through creation and use of more trusted digital identities,” according to Gary Locke, Commerce Secretary.
What do an internet I.D. program and the shooting in Arizona have in common? Opportunity for government control.
In December we tried—and failed—to prevent Barack Obama’s FCC from taking over the Internet.
In December, the FCC asserted authority over the Internet even though they had no Congressional or Constitutional authority to do so. As America has seen after two years of Obama’s presidency, this administration is determined to ram through its agenda without regard for whether or not it is Constitutional.
Now, this national “Internet I.D.” program is just one more step in the government’s total control over your online activities.
Instead of YOU maintaining control of your online identity, a third party would take over… meaning hackers could gain control of the third party security and you can watch your privacy disappear in a flash.
But worse than that, it means THE GOVERNMENT will have control over your Internet identity, and they can use that for whatever purpose suits them.
We have seen how well the government protects its secrets; do you want them in charge of your personal data?
You may be asking yourself what is wrong with the Internet today that makes Barack Obama believe he needs to intervene. Nothing is wrong with it, of course. It’s not broken, but Obama is determined to break it and take control of it.
Even more disturbing is the fact that the government is messing around with the free market. Government is not supposed to be in the business of dictating commerce. But if they regulate it, they can tax it—all under the umbrella of big government.
There are plenty of data security applications available now; why would the government see the need to pressure the market to create “trusted” identities?
The answer: to make it easier to track you in the future. The government says this program is not mandatory, but you can bet your boots it eventually will be. And remember this is all for your “protection.” Eventually, you can expect to need an “I.D.” as your ignition key to the information superhighway, a superhighway Obama wants to control.
Obama’s Internet legislation is designed to control the flow of information on the internet and control free speech—which, according to Liberals is dangerous, and causes left-wing potheads who worship communism to go to grocery stores and kill people.
In fact, FCC’s Chief Diversity Officer Mark Lloyd says that “blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies.”
You know, that silly “free speech” clause in the Constitution is just so restrictive! The internet worries the government propaganda machine, because it gives YOU, the citizen, too much freedom. The Obama administration is comprised of control freaks who want to limit and regulate what you do and how you do it. Free speech is a threat to them, so piece by piece, they are going to shut it down. The average American will not even know it is happening.
I am very worried Liberals are going to use this tragedy to shut us up, and I need your immediate help.
If Liberals can’t silence us at the defeat us at the ballot box, they will do it through regulation and control.
Since the Obama Administration, which did not learn from the Election of 2010, is determined to ignore the Constitution and the rule of law to implement his agenda, we need to make 535 men and women in Congress listen. And, we need to make them accountable to the voters who elected them.
This has all happened in front of our eyes, but the media has been suspiciously silent. When Barack Obama was Senator Obama campaigning for the White House, one of his campaign promises was to provide more regulation of the Internet. Nobody was listening.
Last year, FCC lawyers quietly presented their argument to the US Circuit Court of Appeals for Washington, D.C., insisting that existing law gives the FCC the authority to regulate broadband rates even though Congress never gave the FCC the power to regulate the Internet. In April 2010, the FCC lost. The Court of Appeals told them they had exceeded their regulatory authority. Nobody was listening.
In May of 2010, the FCC again tried to regulate the Internet by arguing that the Internet was equivalent to Ma Bell’s old-fashion operated-assisted phone monopoly from the 1880s to the 1960s and, thus, they could regulate it. Again the “free press” was silent, but over 300 Members of Congress implored the Obama Administration to stop pursuing Internet regulation.
The FCC seemed to back down, but they were only changing tactics. They sat down with a group of hand-picked, far Left Obama supporters in the industry gave them a choice between two bad options. Broad, overreaching regulations the Circuit Court had just shot down, or a phone monopoly-style regulation. On December 1st, 2010, the business leaders chose broad, overreaching regulations that surrendered control of the Internet to the FCC. This happened without one congressional hearing, one piece of legislation, or one “aye” or “nay” vote.
Friends, we are in a dangerous place. We are now letting Obama’s political campaign supporters vote “aye” or “nay” on our rights. If we don’t act today, our freedom to speak our mind in the only public forum that “we the people” own—the Internet—will vanish.
S.T.A.N.D. America PAC is on the front lines, working to preserve our First Amendment freedoms and our ability to disagree with this current administration—don’t allow them to silence you! Fax every Member of Congress right now and tell them to stand up for the Constitution!
Obama and his followers will create an Internet “ignition key” that we’ll need if we want to cruise the information superhighway—and I shudder to think what that superhighway will look like, or what the price of admission will be. Sadly, I believe it will come at the cost of our freedoms.
It seems like at every turn, the Obama Administration continues to overstep its constitutional boundaries. Congress is mad and getting madder. But, they have not yet thrown down the gauntlet and ordered the FCC to stand down. That’s why we must fax now to stop this additional government intrusion. The Obama FCC has stolen our Internet freedom by simply declaring it has the “right” to regulate it—and now they want to create national “I.D.’s.” If you weren’t worried before, you should be now.
It seems like the longer Mr. Obama is in office—the more control he wants to exercise over the American people. Right now, he is attempting to control the Internet under the guise of safety and security.Obama and his federal agencies should STOP trying to expand their IMPERIAL POWERS! And Congress should push back against this abuse of executive power!
Would you trust the control of cyberspace to Barack Obama and the federal government? Would you trust ANYTHING to the federal government?
Our Internet freedom is guaranteed by the First Amendment. Unlike China, our United States Internet should be under the control of the PEOPLE—not the federal government!
And we must not let the horrible event in Arizona allow the Democrats to end Free Speech in America. Liberals are frustrated and angry that their policies are unpopular with the American people, and they cannot defeat us at the ballot box—so they are working to quiet our voices, and to end the debate.
This is a Constitutional emergency! We must speak up NOW. SAVE FREE SPEECH AND REJECT FURTHER REGULATIONS ON THE INTERNET! I hope you will help S.T.A.N.D. America PAC Fax every Member of Congress and preserve your free speech rights. I am very worried Liberals are going to use this tragedy to shut us up, and I need your immediate help.
And as we fight for the freedoms that are so precious to us, let us take time to pray for the victims and their families, and ask Him to send peace and strength to their hearts.
Thank you for your tenacity to keep our freedoms. We have many battles to fight, and I am grateful for your consistent support.
For God & Country,
E. W. Jackson, Sr.
Chairman, S.T.A.N.D. America PAC
Ironically, the greatest hate speech is coming from the exact opposite direction.