Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Author: Joe Levi

Comment Spam

It’s not often that I rant just for the sake of ranting, so, be forewarned, this is a rant. This site, for those of you who...

PayPal Asking E-Mail Services to Block Messages

According to a story being run by, PayPal is trying to “persuade email providers to block messages that lack digital signatures, which are aimed at...


TMNT are back in a CG big-screen movie! I’ll admit, the last Turtles movie that I’ve seen was the first one, which, as I recall was...

Sobering Investments

We all know that we should be putting money aside for a rainy day and retirement, right? And we’ve been told that the stock market is...