Joe Levi was hired by Lifetime Products in November of 2005 to fill the position of Web Application Developer left vacant by their previous Web Developer.
Joe previously worked for BOWG Advertising as their interactive Technology Director developing projects for clients such as 3M HIS, Novell, 3COM, and Sundance Resort. He performed contract work for a local dot com, building their first B2C e-commerce shopping cart solution. He even worked for a local pseudo-celebrity where he wore many hats (including Sharepoint Developer and various technical and management positions).
Joe is a Web of Trust Notary, endorsed by Thawte (a Verisign company), and experienced with x.590 Digital Signature Certificates. Joe believes in the widespread use of PKI Encryption technologies and methodologies as potentially being the “magic bullet” in eliminating online fraud, identity theft, and even casual snooping.
Give Joe a pair of headphones and a can of anything “cold and caffeinated” and he can code for hours on end. He can work efficiently as a solo developer and is also at-home when working as part of a development team.
When asked, Joe tells people that it’s not really that he knows all that much, rather that he’s just really good at figuring things out.
In the years since Joe began his employment with Lifetime Products he has been instrumental in realizing several projects and keeps existing sites and solutions up-to-date and running smoothly.
Although Joe can work inside the constraints and scope of a project, he has a hard time “thinking inside the box” and can often see the larger picture and offer ideas, thoughts, or “what-if” scenarios that can help “future-proof” a given project to extend the value and business-returns.
Resume’ available from
References and Recommendations available from