Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Reclaiming Our Constitutional Heritage

Utah United and Freedom 21 invite you to “Reclaiming Our Constitutional Heritage”

An inspiring, information-packed event for and by Utah’s coalition of conservative, pro-republic organizations on Saturday, September 18, 2010 at the Radisson Hotel Downtown Salt Lake City. The day kicks off with an optional prayer breakfast by Stephen Pratt at 7:30 AM.


Announcing special guest:

  • U.S. Senate candidate Sharron Angle of Nevada (battling to defeat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reed) will join Representative Carl Wimmer for the concluding session to share strategies for taking back federal lands, restoringing our state sovereignty and reclaiming our Constitutional heritage beginning at the state and local level.

Speakers Include:

  • Representative Jason Chaffetz will speak on Tenth Amendment legislation.
  • Karen Budd-Falen, an attorney and former Special Assistant in the Reagan Administration will discuss how radical environmental groups like WWP use the legal system to terrorize public and private land owners and users by stopping and delaying projects, taking land, eliminating livelihoods and making millions of dollars in the process.
  • Dr. Michael Coffman, author of “Rescuing a Broken America” will explain that America is being deliberately divided by a war of worldviews that is tearing our nation apart.
  • Dan Byfield, CEO of American Stewards of Liberty will speak about coordination and how it can safeguard your local economy, health, safety and welfare of your citizens, as well as, the productive uses of the land and private property within your local community.
  • Bill Howell, co-author of the book “Statehood” will explore the territorial rights of states under original intent, the fate of those rights at the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court and, finally, what must be done if we are to actually make progress in “taking our country back.”
  • Utah Representatives Carl Wimmer, Chris Herrod, Ken Sumsion, and Steve Sandstrom will speak to what is happening in our state legislature helping us understand the battles that are raging in the state currently.
  • Our dear friend Stephen Pratt, developer of the very successful 16 week course “Liberty and Learning.” will complete our morning with a disscussion of understanding our history and how it relates to current events.
  • U.S. Congressman Rob Bishop and Utah County Sheriff & James Tracy will be the luncheon speakers.

Afternoon Workshops:

Choose from eighteen different workshops in three breakout sessions, including well-known national and local speakers on topics such as economic freedom, organizing citizen groups, healthcare, illegal immigration, cap and trade, the role of the local sheriff, Constitution 101, social networking and freedom in education. Visit for the list of workshops.

Youth Scholarships to this event are Available



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2 Responses

  1. joelevi says:

    Reclaiming Our Constitutional Heritage… #utpol #tcot #gop

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