The children of Utah are returning to the classroom and the long summer days are beginning to give way to the signs of fall. While the weather is starting to cool the rhetoric from the left is heating up and boiling over as democrats attempt to push their extreme agenda through Congress. As conservatives from Utah we must be prepared to declare and defend the principles and policies we know contain the solutions to what ails our great nation. We must also be ready to support and back candidates, locally and nationally, who will stand up for those principles and fight tirelessly to get them implemented.
As most of you well know, I decided to run for the United States Senate because the Federal government has become, too big, too expensive, and too intrusive. From an early age, my parents taught me the values of self-restraint, fiscal discipline, and personal responsibility. They would often remind me of these core, conservative principles that have fostered the development of the greatest civilization the world has ever known. Many in Washington seem to have forgotten these principles. I won’t.
- I’m an across the board conservative.
- I’m a Pro-life-Republican
- I’m committed to maintaining America’s military superiority
- I oppose government bailouts
- I am against amnesty for illegal immigrants
- I will fight to repeal Obama-care
- I will defend your right to bear arms under the Second Amendment
- I will protect Utah’s land and water rights from federal encroachment
- I will support efforts to lower taxes, balance the budget and reduce the national debt.
Above all, I believe Washington is due for a heavy dose of traditional, American values. I invite you to join me and thousands of Utahns around the state and millions of Americans across the country who have had enough of President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the liberal democrats in Congress pushing their extreme policies. Together we can restore some common sense to a government that is spending us into bankruptcy. The way I see it, 1.5 trillion dollar annual deficits are extreme. The fact that many Americans are required to work three, four, or even five months out of every year just to pay their federal taxes is extreme. Our national debt, which is now approaching 14 trillion dollars, is extreme. A government that doesn’t balance it’s books year in and year out is extreme.
Together we can say no to the extreme policies of this President & Democrat controlled Congress and we can say YES to the practical solutions found in the Constitution. It is in that document that we can find the proper role of the Federal government, and if followed, will put us on the path to real prosperity, long-term growth and a better tomorrow for our children and grandchildren.
It’s time to return to the center-point, grounding principles that have made our state and our country great. I look forward to working with you to limit the size, reach and cost of the federal government and giving our Nation’s capital a good dose of mainstream, traditional, American values and common sense.
I hope you are ready to engage and I encourage you to begin today by taking one of the following action steps:
- Sign up to be a volunteer at
- Donate to the cause and help us get our mainstream conservative message out
- Follow the campaign on Facebook –
Remember change in Washington begins with your vote in Utah.
All the best,
Mike Lee
Message from Mike Lee, Candidate for U.S. Senate… #utpol #tcot #gop