Packers to get a new Quarterback
satire, politics, clinton, hillary, hillary 08, election, deomocrat, democracy, activism, humor, funny
January 7, 2008
satire, politics, clinton, hillary, hillary 08, election, deomocrat, democracy, activism, humor, funny
Some times I just can’t help but pass on something humorous… and I know just how this lady feels… I’m selling a bunch of Pokemon cards. ...
In order to continue getting-by in America, we may need to learn the NEW English dialect! Practice by reading the following conversation until you are able...
Have you ever wondered which gaming console you should choose? Your three options are the XBOX 360, the PS3, and the Wii. Here’s a video that...
Here’s a re-post from the past. According to Wikipedia: “U.S. tradition associates [Thanksgiving] with a meal held in 1621 by the Wampanoag [American Indians] and the...