Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

2 Hours Left to Stop Genetically Engineered Salmon

Three-eyed Fish

Three-eyed Fish

If you’re anything like I am you think messing around with the genetic makeup of any organism isn’t a good idea. Genetically engineered plants are already amongst us, but now genetically engineered animals are on the menu — specifically salmon.

If you want to keep genetically engineered food off our tables, YOU MUST ACT NOW!

Just follow the steps below to contact the Obama Administration:

  1. Call the White House directly at +1 (202) 456-1111 (or, if you want o avoid long-distance fees, click here and enter your phone number and you’ll get a call back that will ring-through to the White House). Be sure to make your call before 5pm EST.
  2. Tell them your name, where you’re from, and then simply ask that President Obama direct the FDA not to approve genetically engineered salmon.
  3. Thank them for their time.
  4. Let us know how it went.

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2 Responses

  1. joelevi says:

    2 Hours Left to Stop Genetically Engineered Salmon… #utpol #tcot #gop

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