- @overheard 4 year old: I love Curious George. He’s the coolest monkey ever. #
- I’m at Clearfield, UT, USA – http://bkite.com/014xM #
- I’m at Clearfield, UT, USA – http://bkite.com/014Ap #
- @overheard Sorry I wasn’t staring @ your chest, I just zoned out on your sparkles… #
- @knik Smokes? Ick! #
- @DonnaDunn @overheard “There’s a guy here inspecting my unit” #
- @missingchildren Why do I care what your doctype is? Aren’t you supposed to be tweeting me about missing kids?! #
- @cboyack Just don’t break the head off one of the bolts… then break a drill bit drilling it out, then break a tap trying to tap a new hole #
- Why are there are so many plugins to “optimize” your blog for the iPhone. Isn’t the point that you get the “real web” not the “mobile web”? #
Twitter Updates for 2008-07-28
July 28, 2008