Trillions of dollars have been stolen from U.S. taxpayers.
You and I, right now, are seeing the worst plundering of a country’s wealth in the history of civilization, led by an out-of-control Federal Reserve.
But you and I together CAN put a stop to it all.
With your help (including completing the petition to your representative and senators) today, Campaign for Liberty is ready to take the battle straight to the heart of the problem – the Federal Reserve itself.
Last year, C4L came close to enacting a full Audit of the Fed. This year, with more Fed opponents put in office and the economy still reeling, we have our best chance ever.
But you must act today.
Just think about the scope of the problem for a minute.
The massive, outrageous amount of dollars committed to the economic bailouts recently totals:
More than the socialist New Deal… More than the entire Iraq debacle… More than the 1980’s savings and loan mess… More than the Korean War…
Where will it all end?
It’s time you and I put a stop to an out-of-control Federal Reserve. And Ron Paul has a bill in the House of Representatives to do just that.
His son, Senator Rand Paul from Kentucky, has introduced companion legislation in the Senate.
That’s why it’s vital you complete your personal “Audit the Fed” petition in support of this landmark bill.
Audit the Fed will finally pull the lid off the FED and expose its out-of-control power grabs.
Now is the time to make sure your representative and senators feel the heat to support the Audit the Fed bill!
If you and I don’t act today, I’m afraid this crisis will end with the economic ruin of every man, woman, and child in the United States.
Today, nearly 14 TRILLION in taxpayer dollars in bailouts and loans have been agreed to by Congress, the Bush and Obama Treasury Departments, and the out-of-control Fed.
So is it really any wonder more and more folks are starting to realize the Washington, D.C. establishment is hurtling us toward complete economic disaster?
Whether it’s watching a phony “stimulus” package get rammed into law or seeing Congress pass a $700 BILLION bank “bailout,” the American people are agitated and increasingly angry.
You saw the result of that anger in the Tea Parties last year and then in the November elections.
Statist, pro-Fed politicians were tossed out of office left and right!
That means it’s a perfect time to unleash the pressure of MILLIONS of outraged Americans on the out-of-control Fed today!
So please agree to complete the petition urging your representative and senators to cosponsor and seek roll call votes on Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill – the first step toward ENDING THE FEDERAL RESERVE once and for all!
As I know you’re aware, the Federal Reserve is shrouded in secrecy.
Its meetings are off-limits to the public. Its inner-workings are off-limits to the public.
Fed leaders know coming clean with Congress and the American people on how they create money out of thin air would result in an anti-Fed firestorm.
So can you imagine the impact of a full-scale audit?
You and I will finally be able to show the American people that the Federal Reserve System leads to:
- Constant economic crises – the housing crisis and the resulting chaos is just one example of an economic bubble created by centrally-planned interest rates and money manipulation;
- The destruction of the middle class – as fuel, food, housing, medical care, and education costs soar, everyone who is NOT on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of their money slowly decreases;
- Currency destruction – history shows us that riots, violence, and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize fiat money isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on and REFUSE to accept it.
And unless you and I do end the madness in Washington, D.C., we may be closer than we’d like to think to learning that history lesson firsthand, right here on the streets of our towns and cities.
That’s why your commitment to helping pass the Audit the Fed bill – and helping Campaign for Liberty fight this battle – is so vital.
Just a few years ago, there was no chance of passing any legislation like Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill.
So I guess there has been one “CHANGE.”
You see, with the piling up of trillions of dollars in out-of-control “bailouts” of Wall Street and international bankers, even many politicians in Washington, D.C. want to show you they’re “being responsible.”
What better way for Congress to do this than by auditing the Federal Reserve to account for the trillions stolen from U.S. taxpayers?
More and more congressmen are already feeling the pressure and are signing up to support this bill.
I’ve even received word Audit the Fed could move soon in the U.S. House.
When that happens, you and I must be ready to fight.
There will be many battles you and I must wage over the coming months to take back our country. But this one is set to rage in Congress soon.
And, it’s both a bill we CAN pass and one that is vital to exposing the massive corruption and downright evil of the actions of the Federal Reserve and their Wall Street masters.
You see, after regulating, taxing, spending, borrowing, and printing us into what looks like the worst recession in decades, establishment politicians and power brokers are assuring us they’re working hard to “fix” our economic woes.
What is their solution? You guessed it. More of the same!
I’m convinced that if you and others will insist on Congress passing Audit the Fed, the votes will be there.
Then the question is whether Barack Obama will sign it.
But here’s the thing: even if Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill is vetoed by Obama, just forcing him to do it is a win/win situation.
Can you imagine how it will look in the 2012 election when you and I tell the American people President Obama refused to even LOOK for the trillions of dollars stolen from the taxpayers?
Now, we just need to show Congress the American people demand action on Audit the Fed. Here’s how Campaign for Liberty plans to do that.
First, C4L is already busy contacting up to five million activists nationwide through mail, phones, and email to generate petitions to the U.S. Congress demanding action on Audit the Fed.
But that’s just the beginning.
C4L will work the talk radio stations and grant local media interviews to further turn up the pressure on Congress.
And a few days before the vote, if they have the resources, they’d also like to run hard-hitting targeted radio, TV, and newspaper ads.
This entire program is designed to send this one, CLEAR message to Congress – Any politician who votes against the Federal Reserve Audit should look for another job.
But such a massive effort won’t be easy – or cheap.
So, in addition to your signed petitions, I also hope you’ll agree to chip in a contribution of $10, $25, $50 – or whatever you can afford – to Campaign for Liberty.
I know times are hard, but if we don’t take action, the America we see in just a few years could look far worse than anything we’ve seen yet.
Can I count on you to join the fight to AUDIT THE FED by filling out your petitions and by chipping in a contribution of $10, $25, $50 – or whatever you can afford – to Campaign for Liberty?
In Liberty,
Senator Mike Lee Utah
P.S. Please fill out your petition DEMANDING your representative and senators cosponsor and seek roll call votes on the Audit the Fed bill TODAY!