Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

‘Tis the season for being threatened

I just got a call from an activist in Maryland who attended the Complete Activist School. He was excited because he had been threatened by an elected official.

Now why was he excited? Because after the class he knew not only to expect the political class to threaten him, but also to take it is a sign that you are being effective.

And, yes, I am happy for him, because:

  1. We had already gone over the rules together, and I knew what he was doing was legal, and
  2. I also suspected that what he was doing would probably be effective, and
  3. It was going to take guts to actually make it happen.

I have two questions for you:

  • Have you been threatened this year? Has a member of the political class tried to tell you that what you are doing is going to backfire? Have they made broad, murky threats that you are doing something illegal?
  • Are you following the rules? Have you looked at the campaign finance rules to be sure that you are including the proper disclaimers? Have you checked to make sure your materials don’t cross the line from “informing citizens” to “advocating the election or defeat of a candidate?”

If you are following the rules and you have NOT been threatened yet, then you are probably not pushing hard enough. In other words, you are not making the political class upset. You are probably not yet an effective activist.

I’m not telling you to become so obnoxious that no one wants to work with you. I am saying that when you are effective, politicians will try to stop you. They will try to get you to be “reasonable.” If that doesn’t work, then they will threaten you.

Are you ready for the push back?

If you are not sufficiently mad at what the political class has done to you this year, and you are not confronting them, then I have to wonder: what is it going to take to make you upset? How much liberty are you willing to give up before you are ready to make a difference?

You can learn how to be effective and to create the change you want to see in America. If you want to be ready for the tactics the political class will use to try and kill your efforts, then you should plan on being at one of the two schools this weekend in NV.

The first school will be in Reno, NV at the Peppermill Hotel on Saturday (click for tickets). The school will be repeated on Sunday in Las Vegas, NV at the Hooters Hotel and Casino (click for tickets).

The cost is only $30, which includes lunch.

In Liberty,

Kirk Shelley

P.S. It takes guts and desire to create change. But without a plan, you won’t know how to make it happen. If you are ready to make a difference, I will teach you how to be effective this weekend. Please join me in Reno this Saturday or Las Vegas on Sunday. The classes start at 9AM.

NOTE: The special discounted rate at Hooters Hotel in Las Vegas ends Thursday. A room is only $89 for Saturday night and $19 if you stay Sunday and Monday. It includes 2 for 1 meal specials and tickets for any of the 5 shows. You might want to check the prices for flights in to Las Vegas. There are some great specials available. To get the discounted rate in Las Vegas, call (800) 522-7366 and tell them you are with Campaign for Liberty.


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2 Responses

  1. joelevi says:

    ‘Tis the season for being threatened… #utpol #tcot #gop

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