Just a quick note here…
This morning I backed out into the driveway with very light snow falling. As I was waiting for my daughter to come out I watched the wind turbine right itself into the wind, then start spinning. It started slowly, but picked up rapidly. It’s a pretty sight to see.
It was very interesting to see the storm front literally move in and across my roof-line.
My turbine can be seen from the front steps of City Hall, the Community Center, down the entire street, and from Alison Way (a few blocks to the East).
On a related note, Bryon Saxton of the Standard-Examiner Davis Bureau wrote an interesting article titled A new wind blows in Layton / Alternative energy putting down roots near Weber Canyon which talks about the winds that flow into and out of Weber Canyon and local regulations (and the lack thereof). I’m a bit put out by reporters saying it costs several thousand dollars to put up a wind turbine. If you’re thrifty if can be done for under $200 bucks. Mine cost under $500.