Would you put anything past this President? This Congress?
All those new representatives and senators you and I saw elected on November 2 won’t be sworn in until JANUARY.
Until then, President Obama and his statist pals in BOTH parties will be free to use the “lame duck” session of Congress to RAM through the rest of their Big Government agenda.
That’s why it’s vital you sign the petition to Congress IMMEDIATELY.
You see, the International Banksters, Big Labor, the folks at the Fed, and the rest of the money suckers who live off our hard-earned dollars are demanding a final payday before this new Congress is sworn in.
That’s why, even after all the bailouts, the outrageous Health Care Nationalization Scheme, and constant assaults on our remaining liberties — not to mention all of the statists’ taxing, spending and printing — this could be our biggest threat yet.
So you and I MUST be ready for anything.
Of course, President Obama and the statists in BOTH parties haven’t been shy about where they’ll start.
And without your IMMEDIATE action, I’m afraid we could see an unprecedented “lame duck” onslaught, including:
- The Cap and Tax scheme that would drive already sky-high energy costs through the roof, massively hike taxes on hardworking Americans and give the federal government unprecedented control over the economy;
- Tax increases, new bailouts of pet industries, and the much-talked-about “second stimulus package,” all designed to siphon away every last bit of wealth from the American people and hand it to our Big Government “benefactors”;
- Retirement Account Confiscation allowing the IRS to seize your IRA and 401(k) accounts — claiming the need to “protect” them from their owners;
- The new DANGEROUS ID Bill that would not only allow the government to listen to phone calls and monitor internet accounts, but would mandate Americans get a federally-approved ID card complete with an RFID tracking device;
- Congressman Brad Sherman’s scheme to take away EVERY state’s ability to pass a Right to Work Law. This legislation would repeal all 22 current state Right to Work laws and bar states from passing them in the future.
That’s why your IMMEDIATE action is so important.
You see, there’s not much time.
Knowing their game could be up as soon as the new Congress is sworn in, these battles will move FAST.
But that gives you and me a fighting chance.
You see, the statists are banking on you and me just “sitting this one out.”
They’re hoping our “guard is down” since the election has come and gone.
Well, what the statists don’t understand about Campaign for Liberty and Patriots like you, is that we NEVER let our guard down.
So if we can let them know the R3VOLUTION has only just begun, they won’t know what hit them.
Because this election year was so absolutely critical, I made sure Campaign for Liberty did everything in our power to guarantee it was one to remember.
I’m sure you’ll agree, that was the right decision.
But, as it stands today — especially considering what you and I are currently facing — I’m not sure your Campaign for Liberty has the funds to launch a successful counterattack.
I’ve already launched a nationwide alert to Campaign for Liberty supporters and other liberty-loving Americans using mail, email and internet ads.
But more MUST be done and — because there’s not much time — our options are limited.
So, in addition to your signed petition, please chip in a generous contribution of $10, $25, or maybe even $50.
I’m sure I don’t have to tell you hard-hitting TV, radio, and newspaper ads, along with a last-minute phone mobilization program, won’t be cheap.
But they could be the difference between victory — and DEFEAT.
After all you and I have gone through — and considering the stakes in these fights — I can’t stomach the thought of losing more of our freedoms in a “lame duck” session of Congress.
Time is running out.
In Liberty,
John Tate, President
P.S. The statists are going all out to RAM through every item on their radical agenda during the “Lame Duck” Congress. They’re banking on us letting our guard down. Let’s prove them DEAD WRONG!