The Senate will likely vote on the DISCLOSE Act again TODAY. That’s why we’re sending this message earlier than normal. It’s urgent that you act quickly.
Incumbents banded together in 2002 to make it effectively a crime, punishable by jail, for a non-profit group like to broadcast issue ads during the final days of an election campaign.
The Supreme Court fixed this problem earlier this year, getting something right for a change. In the Citizens United case they restored the right of non-profit corporations like, Inc., to broadcast issue ads during elections.
The name of the case fits. Non-wealthy CITIZENS are UNITED in organizations: They band together using their First Amendment rights of association and press to publish and broadcast their opinions. Bad laws have forced we citizens into a legal cul de sac, where WE NEED CORPORATIONS LIKE CITIZENS UNITED AND DOWNSIZE DC TO HELP US ACHIEVE OUR GOAL OF BEING HEARD. But . . .
In this year when most Americans want to fire Congress, the incumbent politicians are making a last ditch effort to protect incumbency — by chilling dissent. Here’s what’s at stake . . .
Because is un-willing to expose its list of supporters (your name) to the Federal Election Commission we would be PROHIBITED from running ads exposing a candidate’s record.
To create artificial demand for this terrible bill, numerous politicians, including the President, have lied about the Citizens United decision. It’s time to call them on it — literally.
There has been a massive disinformation campaign designed to push through this anti-First Amendment bill.
- Some Representatives and Senators have said that the Citizens United ruling overturned 100 years of law, when it fact it merely overturned a 20-year old decision.
- Many of these same incumbent politicians claimed that now major corporations, like BP, would be able to buy our elections (one of your members even said bribery was now legal!).
- Which is richly ironic, because:
- The DISCLOSE Act only restricts regular-sized non-profits while exempting behemoths like the NRA and AARP, and . . .
- Major commercial corporations have always held tremendous sway over our government, and any pretense that they don’t insults my intelligence.
And I’m in on the secret.
If you vote for this bill then it means you want to disenfranchise the little guy for the benfit of yourself and big special interests.
There’s a better alternative. As James Madison said Federalist No.10, the best way to counter the influence of tremendous wealth, and the concentrated benefits that big corporations seek, is to foster the freedom for many voices to join the political fray. That’s why the First Amendment reads, “Congress shall make no law,” that even “abridges” (remotely infringes) on my rights of association and expression — NO LAW.
I emphatically urge you to work and vote for a filibuster, and failing that, to work as hard as you can to defeat the DISCLOSE Act.
Second, because the vote is occurring today, PLEASE ALSO CALL YOUR SENATORS ON THE PHONE RIGHT NOW. Their numbers are provided on the same page where you send your letter to Congress, if you’re logged-in to your account.
Remember to tell them you’re a constituent of theirs, and to be brief, polite, but forceful.
Please pass this message on to others, removing the information below my signature so no one accidentally unsubscribes you. Also, if you have a blog, please repost this information.
Jim Babka, President, Inc.
Senate to Vote on DISCLOSE ACT Today!… #utpol #tcot #gop
RT @joelevi: Senate to Vote on DISCLOSE ACT Today!… #utpol #tcot #gop