“On December 1 The Hollywood Reporter revealed that the RIAA is currently petitioning the panel of federal government Copyright Royalty Judges to lower the rates paid to publishers and songwriters for use of lyrics and melodies in applications like cell phone ring tones and other digital recordings. The last time the American government set the rate was in 1981, but since that time, the RIAA argues in its petition, a lot has changed.”1
It’s not enough that you have to pay a royalty to the “Music Mafia” for every the Zune Media Player you buy — and that only HALF of that goes to the artists.
It’s not ridiculous enough that the RIAA will sue you in the amount of US$7,500 for every track they say you’ve “allowed” to be downloaded, even if they can’t prove that a track was ever downloaded at all.
Now they argue that artists are being paid too much in the form of royalties! 50% isn’t enough? When will the artists stand up for themselves and stop the RIAA Music Mafia from pilfering THEIR money and antagonizing their fans?
If you’re an artist (whether independent or represented by the RIAA Music Mafia), please comment with your opinion on the matter.
Related DIGG on how you, the listener, can help the right against the RIAA.