Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Remember to Vote! Primary is Tomorrow!

The last day for voting in the Primary Election is tomorrow, Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010.

You will need to bring state-issued (or state-approved photo ID) and either be a registered Republican, or fill out a party affiliation form to declare your affiliation that day.

I’d also like to put in a plug for voting via paper ballot. Once you get through the line, ask to vote on a paper ballot (sometimes called a “Provisional” ballot). When asked why you want to vote on paper, simply tell them you prefer to vote that way. If the poll worker does not accept that reason (which is one of the legitimate reasons for voting via paper ballot) you can politely ask them on what grounds they are denying your request to vote by paper ballot. Stand your ground and they’ll give you the paper ballot. It’s faster, easier, and much more reliable a method than the electronic machines, and significantly less hackable.

The states that Utah bought the electronic voting machines from have passed laws prohibiting their use due to security concerns. I have repeated asked Governor Herbert (then Lt. Governor, and the one responsible for purchasing the hacker-prone machines) for comment on the “hackability” issue, but all requests for comment or discussion have gone unanswered.


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2 Responses

  1. joelevi says:

    Remember to Vote! Primary is Tomorrow!… #utpol

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