Dear Friends,
As you may know I was elected Chairman of the Utah Republican Party on Saturday along with Christy Achziger (elected as Vice Chair) and Dana Dickson (elected as Secretary). I would like to thank Chairman Dave Hansen and Vice Chair Kitty Dunn for their many, many hours of service to the Party. I would also like to thank those members of the State Central Committee who put their trust in me by giving me their votes.
Electing Republicans in 2012 is my number one priority. I will work to keep all 4 State offices held by Republicans, to keep the U.S. Senate seat safely Republican and most of all – to win all 4 congressional districts in Utah. We must stop Jim Matheson. We must stop ANY democrat from carrying the liberal-load for Utah.
I will need your help. I will be calling on you to become more involved, volunteer more hours, raise more money, and contact more voters. I hope I can count on you.
I look forward to serving you. I hope you will feel free to contact me anytime.
Chairman Thomas Wright
Utah Republican Party
P.S. If you have not yet, please join the Utah Republican Party Facebook group: