Motion to Proceed; Net Neutrality disapproval – Vote Rejected (46-52, 2 Not Voting)
The Senate rejected a move to prohibit the Federal Communications Commissions “net neutrality” rule from taking effect on November 20. The rule will prohibit broadband service providers from blocking content or applications.
- Sen. Orrin Hatch voted YES
- Sen. Mike Lee voted YES
Motion to Proceed; Cross-border air pollution rule disapproval – Vote Rejected (41-56, 3 Not Voting)
The Senate rejected this move to nullify an Environmental Protection Agency rule on cross-state air pollution targeting emissions from power plants.
- Sen. Orrin Hatch voted YES
- Sen. Mike Lee voted YES
Government Contractor Withholding Repeal Act – Vote Passed (95-0, 1 Present, 4 Not Voting)
The Senate voted to repeal a requirement that government agencies withhold 3 percent of payments to government contractors. The chamber amended the bill to give tax credits to companies that hire unemployed veterans. The House is expected to take up the amended bill after the Veterans Day recess.
- Sen. Orrin Hatch voted YES
- Sen. Mike Lee voted YES