Dear Utah Patriots,
There was a whirlwind of activity in Congress last week as a bloody war was waged over the Patriot Act.
Many barbs were traded and many fakes were exposed on both sides of the isle as Rand Paul spearheaded an historic opposition to this unconstitutional power grab:
- He introduced eight amendments to provide constitutional safeguards and protect the records of gun owners.
Despite the opposition of GOP sellouts like Mitch McConnell, Rand was able to force a vote on two of the eight proposed amendments–including the amendment to protect firearm records.
Unfortunately, the amendments failed, and Harry Reid was successful in ramming his bill through the Senate, and Boehner got the House to concur.
Here are the Utah politicians that voted for the renewal of the Patriot Act:
- Sen. Orrin Hatch
- Rep. Jim Matheson
Let us remember their betrayal during the election season next year.
It is worthwhile to note that Representative Jason Chaffetz, who supported these extensions in February, opposed them last week! If you would like to thank him, Representative Rob Bishop, and Senator Mike Lee, for their votes in opposition to the Patriot Act, please do so. It helps when they know that citizens are watching.
Thank you for your help in promoting and defending the great American principles of individual liberty and constitutional government in our efforts last week to halt the reauthorization of these three onerous provisions of the Patriot Act.
The road to the restoration of constitutional values is going to be long, and we will find challenges every step of the way. But as long as Utah citizens are willing to stand and be heard, we will be victorious.
In Liberty,
Lowell Nelson, Interim State Coordinator, Utah
Campaign for Liberty
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