“Damaging” documents have been released that show that Eric Holder perjured himself when he reportedly lied to Congress!
According to these documents, obtained by CBS News, Attorney General Eric Holder knew all about Operation Fast and Furious, despite his testimony to the contrary. These documents show that he was sent briefings on the Fast and Furious venture as far back as July, 2010, which directly disputes his May 3, 2011 statement to the Congressional Judiciary Committee investigation, when he said: “I’m not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks.”
- Michael Walther, Director of the National Drug Intelligence Center, in a July 2010 memo, told Eric Holder that straw buyers in the Operation Fast and Furious case “are responsible for the purchase of 1,500 (actually, over 2,000!) firearms that were then supplied to the Mexican drug trafficking cartels.”
- Lanny Breuer, Holder’s chief of the DOJ Criminal Division, on October 18, 2010, told Eric Holder in a memo that prosecutors were ready to issue indictments in Operation Fast and Furious.
Let’s see if I understand correctly:
Over 200 murders have been committed with Fast and Furious guns — as well as the murder of 2 ATF Border Patrol Agents — and the Attorney General allegedly does not take the time to read about it.
A Special Prosecutor is being named to determine whether Eric Holder lied during his testimony about the botched gun-trafficking operation.