Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

CSS Reboot Day

Happy CSS Reboot Day!! What? You didn’t know about CSS Reboot Day? And you call yourself as web developer!

According to the site, CSS Reboot Day is:

“… a community event for web professionals. May 1st, 2006 at 18:00 GMT Rebooters from all over the world will launch their web standards-based redesigns simultaneously, bringing traffic, interest and a little respect to their sites. There are no prizes or arbitrary winners, just great exposure and the knowledge that we all participated in something great.”

Unfortunately I won’t have my site ready for the May 01 event, but I am working on it.

My first step was finding a new web host. I’m now using, they offer not only ASP.Net 2.0, but Microsoft Sharepoint Services as well; a perfect match for what I’m doing at work.

My second step was ramping up my skills to include ASP.Net 2.0. Although I do have some experience with ASP.Net 1.1 and “classic” ASP, I’ve always been on the “upkeep” side of things. I’d never built a full ASP.Net site from scratch. With my new job, I’ve built a couple (, to name a few), but these have been ASP.Net 1.1 sites due to hosting restrictions and pre-existing web application constraints. I really want to dig into ASP.Net 2.0.

My third step, and for me the most challenging, has been to redesign my site, but not like any normal redesign I’ve ever done before. Although this redesign will bring with it a new look-and-feel, it is more a structural redesign than anything. You see, with this version I will effectively be separating my content (XHTML) from my layout (CSS). That, after all, is the purest objective of XHTML and CSS; and I, after all, am a purist (much pun intended).

So, I’m not going to say “stay tuned for the next version of the site” because, honestly, I don’t know when I’ll have it done. But I did want to put in a plug for the big CSS Reboot!

While you’re at it, take a look at some of these other CSS-centric websites:

And, if you have any sites like these, or want to recommend a good looking CSS-based site, please post!! I’m a sucker for good design.


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