Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Category: Uncategorized

Player Pianos and .MP3's

Via ZDNet Australia… What do .MP3’s and Player Piano’s have in common? They’re both ways to play copies of music, right? But, under an 1899 (no,...

How many spaces after a period?

Via Stuart Celarier who calligraphy and paleography in college and spent quite a bit of time with typography and type design. According to Robert Bringhurst’s The Elements...


Via the WorldNet Daily News, an 26 year old American contractor, Nick Berg, was killed by beheading in Iraq recently. The video taped execution included a segment...

Cutting the cord

Well, we’ve offically cut the Qwest Communications cord. What a liberating feeling! Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have specific animosity towards Qwest, I just disagree...

Blogging from MS Outlook?

I’m trying out a new method of posting to the blog. It’s a little set of plug-ins for MS Outlook which function both as an RSS...


Ever see this on your credit card statement: “VISA-WLI*RESERVATIONREW888-6885995 CT?” This is a “service” that’s free to sign up for… oh, and it only costs $5...

Spring Break

Another spring break has come and gone, and my list of things to accomplish over the break was a bit more realistic than in years gone...