Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Monthly Archive: July 2008

Twitter Updates for 2008-07-14

@overheard @mikedopp “I’m having problems syncing today” “Yeah, it’s your buoyancy” # @overheard “If you have a Zebra problem, you should really call animal control” “It’s...

Twitter Updates for 2008-07-10

@overheard we shouldn’t tag team bloggers, we’ll tick off the internets # @overheard not yet, I’m trying to all my everythings # @overheard not yet, I’m...

It’s not a modem

Once upon a time, long, long ago, people used to connect their computer to another computer using a device called a modem. This modem would “modulate”...