Reuter’s is faking photos of what’s going on in the middle east.
Exhibit A (Faked Reuter’s Photo):
Anyone who’s had any experience in Photoshop (or any other photo editing software) should see the repeating pattern in the smoke. WHA?! Smoke doesn’t have repeating patterns in nature… take a closer look… the buildings repeat as well…
Exhibit B (copy/paste illustration):
What would the original have looked like:
Exhibit C (what Reuters calls the “corrected” version of the photo):
The damage doesn’t look nearly as bad in the “corrected” photo as it does in the “original” (fake) photo, does it? Why would a major news agency like Reuters allow a faked photo like this to run? I hate to cry “conspiracy” but I can’t think of any other reason.
If you can, please comment!