The Sutherland Institute is bringing one of the two debates between three candidates for the U.S. Senate: Orrin Hatch, Chris Herrod, and Dan Liljenquist
Join us tomorrow evening for a live webcast of the U.S. Senate candidate debate hosted by Utah Valley Republican Women and Utah Federation of Republican Women:
Tomorrow (Wednesday, April 4, 2012) at 7 p.m. MT
Click here to watch the live webcast.This is one of only two U.S. Senate candidate debates between Orrin Hatch, Chris Herrod and Dan Liljenquist before the state convention.
Tickets to this event are sold out, but through the wonders of technology, you can enjoy this debate from the comfort of your own home.
Keven Stratton
Grassroots Outreach
Sutherland InstituteP.S. If you aren’t able to join us live, we will be posting the entire debate on our YouTube channel shortly after the debate ends.