Fellow Utahns,
Last week, our state welcomed Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to Utah for a forum on technology and public policy. As I told him, maybe he’ll now accept my friend request. In that spirit of using technology to hear what’s on the minds of Utahns, I launched a new website. I hope it makes communicating with you that much easier. Please visit the site today and let me know what you think.
Finally, this week wasn’t all fun as it marked the one-year anniversary of ObamaCare, a budget-busting law that expands the federal government to new levels. Pealing back this disastrous law won’t be easy, but it is vital to our economy and to protect our constitutionally given rights.
Below are a few of my press statements from the past week.
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Hatch Statement on President Obama’s Address on Libya
“This evening, the President failed to dispel the deep confusion about our operations in Libya. With our servicemen and women’s lives in harm’s way, the White House has to more clearly define and articulate the scope of our mission. The President’s policy is contradictory and not well thought out. The Administration has far more work to do before it can claim it has a realistic strategy.” To see the full statement see here.
Hatch and Shurtleff Call for Full Repeal of Obamacare
Sen. Orrin Hatch, Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff and Salt Lake City businessman Mark Lewon called for the full repeal of Obamacare, saying the $2.6 trillion health law spends, borrows and taxes too much. Speaking at Lewon’s Utah Metal Works in Salt Lake City, Hatch (R-Utah) said Obamacare is beyond repair and must be replaced “with real solutions that put Utahns and the states back in charge.” For the full speech see here.
Hatch warns that public employee pension plans will bankrupt state and local government if nothing is done
“There are many potential solutions to the public pension crisis, and all of them should receive consideration. We should be urging these courageous governors on, rather than demonizing them and demagoguing this issue. I for one would like to congratulate the Governor of Wisconsin for his bold stand on the issue of public employee benefits . . . Governor Walker understands that our greatest enemy is delay.” For the full statement read here.
Senator Orrin Hatch
P.S. If you have any concerns which my office can help with, please visit my website at www.hatch.senate.gov.