Are Obama's new taxes racist?
One of the first of the new taxes meant to pay for ObamaCare was the 10% “surcharge” on tanning sessions. Yes, if you want to get...
One of the first of the new taxes meant to pay for ObamaCare was the 10% “surcharge” on tanning sessions. Yes, if you want to get...
Tax his land, tax his wage, Tax his bed in which he lays. Tax his tractor, tax his mule, Teach him taxes is the rule. Tax...
Since taking office, President Barack Obama has signed into law twenty-one new or higher taxes: 1. A 156 percent increase in the federal excise tax on...
Did you know that beginning January 1, 2013, ObamaCare imposes a 3.8% Medicare tax on unearned income, including the sale of single family homes, townhouses, co-ops,...
Unless Congress acts to fix their mistake, a paperwork tsunami will drown every business, including yours, and all of your favorite organizations, including Downsize DC. This...
Dear Friend of Liberty, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that S. 510, the misnamed “Food Safety Modernization Act,” passed the...
Alert: An elite group of billionaires is teaming up with the UN to pass a global warming tax to pad their ten figure pocketbooks and fleece...