You might be surprised who Mitt Romney's family is backing
Travis Romney, Troy Romney and Chad Romney, all cousins of Mitt Romney, will speak in Idaho today. Ty Romney and Jared Romney, whose grandfathers are cousins...
Travis Romney, Troy Romney and Chad Romney, all cousins of Mitt Romney, will speak in Idaho today. Ty Romney and Jared Romney, whose grandfathers are cousins...
Are you sick of the spending, the deficits, the lost jobs, and the constant assaults on your liberties? If you’re like most folks I know, you’re...
This is one of the most important 5 minute videos you will ever see. Georgetown Professor Carroll Quigley, a student of the political / financial elite...
Congressman Ron Paul has turned the mainstream media on its head! We’ve told you in the past the the media has ignored Ron Paul as a...
It’s so funny because all the points this parody video makes are so on-point!
If Ron Paul wins in Iowa, Fox News’ Chris Wallace says “…to a certain degree it will discredit the Iowa caucuses because, rightly or wrongly, I...
Supporting our Troops is so much more than a catch-phrase or a yellow ribbon on your car. Supporting our Troops means listening to them about what...