Look How Much Fear Has Hurt Us
Quote of the Day: “The U.S. imperial project of the past 10 years has killed as many as 1 million people while displacing millions of others....
Quote of the Day: “The U.S. imperial project of the past 10 years has killed as many as 1 million people while displacing millions of others....
Quote of the Day: “A note to social engineers of all parties: If you have to protect 3 million people from a brand-new law, it probably...
Representative Rob Bishop, Senator Orrin Hatch, Senator Mike Lee: Do NOT raise the debt ceiling. Congress refuses to pass a budget, spends itself into a crisis,...
Before this message is through, we’ll be announcing DownsizeDC.org’s NEW Agenda campaign. It’s a campaign that is so important that it will join, in priority, the...
Earlier this year, DownsizeDC.org supported a plan to increase the debt ceiling ONLY IF Congress passed a balanced budget amendment. Many in Congress now agree, however…...
Quote of the Day: “Criticism in a time of war is essential to the maintenance of any kind of democratic government.” — Robert Taft (Republican Senator, 1939-53)...
Quote of the Day: “He who will not economize will have to agonize.” — Confucius [Kung Fu-tse] (551-479 B.C.) Since Social Security is considered the “third rail”...