The Debt Ceiling & The Danger of Total Economic Collapse
Amazingly, the Republican Establishment still doesn’t get it. I’m sure you have been receiving voluminous amounts of email and direct mail requesting that you support the Republican...
Amazingly, the Republican Establishment still doesn’t get it. I’m sure you have been receiving voluminous amounts of email and direct mail requesting that you support the Republican...
Amazingly, the Republican Establishment still doesn’t get it. I’m sure you have been receiving voluminous amounts of email and direct mail requesting that you support the Republican...
I sent the following letter to Congress this morning using our “Cut spending” campaign. I asked Congress to cut spending instead of increasing the debt ceiling. If...
The 112th Congress is now in session. During the Election of 2010, scores of Republicans campaigned on the promise that if they restored Congress to the...
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Financial Guru Dave Ramsey is quick to point out that debt is cancer. It enslaves...
As we have described for several years, the U.S. economy is virtually locked into a long arc of decline. There are no politically palatable solutions to...
Quote of the Day: “I’ve been hearing that 40 is the new 20. I don’t believe that. But I do believe that $40 is the new...