Dear Friend in Liberty,
We can stop the DISCLOSE Act.
The Establishment Protection Act (a much more fitting name for DISCLOSE) will infringe on our privacy, limit our right to free speech, and silence C4L and like-minded organizations that hold the statists accountable.
Before the bill passed the House, it was changed to include more provisions to benefit the government’s Big Labor pals and to obtain further details on those who would challenge their actions.
Despite claims to the contrary, the Establishment Protection Act isn’t just aimed at large donors. Those who have given as much as $600 could be targeted by federal bureaucrats. And you can be sure they won’t remain content very long with even that much information.
Here are some ways you can help continue the battle and defeat this powergrab:
- Contact Senator Robert Bennett at (202) 224-5444 and Senator Orrin Hatch at (202) 224-5251 and demand they defend the First Amendment. Urge them to oppose the Senate bill, S. 3295, as well as the House-approved version and any other attempts to limit our free speech.
- Get local. Find your state here and make sure you’re involved with all of your local C4L’s efforts to reclaim your state for liberty. You can also stop by your senators’ local offices to personally ask them to fight the Establishment Protection Act.
- Call the NRA headquarters at 1-800-672-3888 and their Legislative Action group at 1-800-392-8683 and tell them to actively oppose the Senate bill. Without their compromise in the House, the bill would have likely died without a vote.
- Forward this email to your family, friends, and coworkers. Ask them to join you in fighting the Establishment Protection Act.
The August congressional recess is almost here, and legislators are scrambling to limit as many of our freedoms as they can before heading home.
The First Amendment and C4L’s ability to fight the statists’ plans are under heavy assault. Please contact your senators today and tell them to OPPOSE DISCLOSE.
In Liberty,
John Tate, President
Campaign for Liberty
Stop the DISCLOSE Act… #utpol #tcot #gop