Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Spending America Into Oblivion

During his State of the Union address, the new “centrist” Barack Hussein Obama’s rhetoric suggested to America that he has repented and moved to the center. His rhetoric was not only short-lived but transparent. Mr. Obama’s State of the Union address was the kick-off spiel of the Obama Reelection Campaign which, of course, was a clear indication that he will do anything to hold onto control—even if it means lying during…gasp…such a hallowed presidential tradition—advising the American people on the state of the union. But, we the people (with empty pockets), understand the “state of the union” even more than Mr. Obama. It’s broke.
This man will lie, cheat and steal taxpayer money in order to inflict his own socialist-progressive agenda on every American who, like you, believe in hard work and personal responsibility.

He may have pretended to have learned from his crushing defeat on November 2, but as expected, this was only a ruse to gain favor among possible voters. His platform and intentions remain the same: spend, spend, spend, or, using his new term: invest, invest, invest. Sadly, even though Mr. Obama knows from the Election of 2010 that the American people want an immediate end to deficit spending, the guy in the Oval Office is still convinced that he can spend the nation out of debt.

We cannot let this man continue his financially devastating spending agenda against businesses, the Constitution, and hard-working Americans. Although he put a freeze on spending, Mr. Obama has no intention of reducing spending. He plans to continue “investing” at the current levels for at least the next 5 years. America can no longer afford a government on steroids. If Mr. Obama refuses to voluntarily reduce out-of-control spending, then it is up to the newly elected 112th Congress of the United States to turn off the money spigot and stop the cash flow.

The reality of increasing the spending ceiling every time Congress’ penchant for being everything to everyone expands like spandex on a four hundred Congressman eating filet mignon on the taxpayer’s dime is ludicrous. If Congress knows the spending ceiling is as flexible as that spandex, Congress will continue to spend your money until it’s gone. America needs to make sure Congress understands: STOP SPENDING OR TURN OFF THE MONEY SPIGOT!

Please CLICK HERE to donate to AmeriPAC, as we fight to STOP runaway spending and the attack on the American taxpayer. Your CONTRIBUTION, of any size, will help us to continue the fight to expose the truth behind Barack Obama’s words. When needed, we intend to file whatever litigation is necessary to combat this man in 2012 and to end his un-Constitutional assault on America.

Even though Mr. Obama teleprompted as a moderate during the State of the Union Address, those who listened without leftwing earplugs heard the liberal propaganda nuggets: investment, investment, investment which, in English, translates to more spending and fewer jobs for the American people.

When you drain money from the economy, there is less money for jobs which means there are less jobs to fuel the economy.

Two years ago, while signing the largest one-time spending bill in American history, Barack Obama said “Because we know we can’t build our economic future on the transportation and information networks of the past, we are remaking the American landscape with the largest new investment….” Investment. His favorite word for massive spending. He went on to say “Because of this investment, nearly 400,000 men and women will go to work rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges…”

Investment is Mr. Obama’s code word for spending. In 2009, he signed a bill that added nearly 1 TRILLION DOLLARS to the national debt without any transparency or way to track where the money went. To this day the money has not been effectively put into use, yet the debt was added immediately. Barack Obama and his administration claimed that the economy would have been worse off had he not made this emergency expenditure. What IS true of the stimulus was that 1 trillion dollars was spent so that his friends in the labor unions could keep on working and voting.

HE’S ABOUT TO DO IT AGAIN. Last night, Mr. Obama said “Over the last two years, we have begun rebuilding for the 21st century, a project that has meant thousands of good jobs for the hard-hit construction industry. Tonight, I’m proposing that we redouble these efforts.”

Our country could not afford the first stimulus, and we cannot afford another one. If you think that Barack Obama wouldn’t try to implement a second stimulus under the continued guise of “investment,” THINK AGAIN.

Please CLICK HERE to donate to AmeriPAC, as we fight to STOP runaway spending and the attack on the American taxpayer. Your CONTRIBUTION, of any size, will help us to continue the fight to expose the truth behind Barack Obama’s words. When needed, we intend to file whatever litigation is necessary to combat this man in 2012 and to end his un-Constitutional assault on America.
“…Let me show you the money.”
That is Mr. Obama’s plan for education, the same as his plans for every other aspect of our lives. He wants to remove money from our military, leaving us under-defended (while China’s military is growing by double digit percentages every year), and use that money to allow the children of illegal immigrants into our colleges and universities.

“Today, there are hundreds of thousands of students excelling in our schools who are not American citizens. Some are the children of undocumented workers, who had nothing to do with the actions of their parents” he said. The DREAM Act was defeated, yet once again Barack Obama will try to back door amnesty by pretending he is simply helping children of illegal immigrants. How many more times must this law be defeated before Obama learns that Americans do not want illegal aliens coming into our country and having children just so that they can gain citizenship? Will he ever learn?

Please CLICK HERE to donate to AmeriPAC, as we fight to STOP runaway spending and the attack on the American taxpayer. Your CONTRIBUTION, of any size, will help us to continue the fight to expose the truth behind Barack Obama’s words. When needed, we intend to file whatever litigation is necessary to combat this man in 2012 and to end his un-Constitutional assault on America.

The spending doesn’t stop there! Mr. Obama plans to “invest” in clean energy. Instead of reducing our dependency on foreign oil and creating hundreds of thousands of jobs here in America drilling for oil in Alaska and off our coasts, Mr. Obama wants to give taxpayer money to clean energy research.

We know that drilling right here, right now will create jobs and immediately reduce dependence on oil sold to us by our enemies, yet Barack Obama insists on appealing to his liberal base. He wants “1 million electric vehicles on the road by 2015.” You know what that means? Another cash for clunkers program, only this time, it will be a rushed to market, under-performing, exorbitantly expensive vehicle for your current auto program. We cannot continue to ignore ideas that areguaranteed to create jobs WITHOUT massive spending in exchange for expensive “investments” that won’t be viable alternatives for decades. WHEN WILL MR. OBAMA LEARN THIS?

  • What Obama learned was always start your reelection campaign when you have the biggest captive audience – and make them applaud like they really want you. After pretending to be a moderate with “new” ideas for over 30 minutes, Barack Obama could no longer act like a leader giving a speech, and resorted to his old tricks as a campaigner. He began his new campaign for 2012, which will come to be titled “more of the same.”

Are you ready for one more 2009? Through the Obama “investment plan,” the guy in the White House is again promising the country that he will take your money and “invest it” in those who will vote for him. A politician will always do what he does best. What Obama does best is to “invest” your money in his legacy.

Under Barack Obama, discretionary spending INCREASED by $2.5 BILLION IN JUST TWO YEARS.

Under Barack Obama, the federal deficit INCREASED BY $1 TRILLION IN JUST TWO YEARS.

Under Barack Obama, the national debt INCREASED BY $3.5 TRILLION IN JUST TWO YEARS.



Please CLICK HERE to donate to AmeriPAC, as we fight to STOP runaway spending and the attack on the American taxpayer. Your CONTRIBUTION, of any size, will help us to continue the fight to expose the truth behind Barack Obama’s words. When needed, we intend to file whatever litigation is necessary to combat this man in 2012 and to end his un-Constitutional assault on America.
Barack Obama will continue to rule with an iron fist and try to silence his opposition by any means necessary. If he is allowed to win in 2012, our country is doomed to destruction. Our Constitutional rights will be chipped away, or earning potential will be squashed, and our children and grandchildren will continue to incur massive debts that will halt freedom and prosperity as we know it. WE MUST NOT LET BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA WIN IN 2012. AmeriPAC NEEDS YOUR HELP. AMERICA IS COUNTING ON YOU.


Alan M. Gottlieb
Chairman, AmeriPAC


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