I’ve gotten some feedback from you regarding my recent addition of “Song of the Day” to my site. Most of you have liked it, but there has been a vocal minority that think it interferes with the other “goodness” that lives on my site.
To that end I propose that we change the Song of the Day to “Tuesday’s Song” (this will be Tuesday’s song, too).
Music Video
Live Video
I LOVE you music of the day – great idea!
Thank you! You’re one of the vocal minority who really enjoyed it. (I really dig your site, by the way.)
I’m reducing it from once a day to once a week… or that was the initial plan… should I do Tuesday/Thursday and hit is twice a week?
The reason for the change over was this blog is initially about “Greener Living Through Technology” which encompasses backyard gardening and micro-farming (haven’t written much about that yet), self-sufficiency, automating and improving ones life through technology (power generation, reducing power-consumption, alternate transportation, etc.), the politics that accompanies that, and, since I’m a web developer by trade, some web techie stuff, too…
I know, kind of an odd mix, but I’m kind of an odd guy.
Music just didn’t fit in… at least not every day.
So back to my question, do you think once a week is good, or should I consider twice a week?
Thanks for your comment and for reading!
– http://www.JoeLevi.com
I got to thinking, if you liked my song of day, you might be interested in the website of a buddy of mine: http://www.cleverblue.com/wordpress/
Take a look… 🙂
– http://www.JoeLevi.com