Senator Hatch is asking people to complete a survey about what the (arguably) Unconstitutional Super-Committee should do to “fix” out deficit problem.
Here is my response, feel free to borrow from it anything you’d like:
- We should prioritize spending such that the Legislative and Executive branches should be paid LAST (including pensions and health care), and only AFTER all other mandatory and discretionary spending has been made.
- We should defund ANY agency and/or program that violates the Constitution (including those that violate the Fourth Amendment). Return any excess to the States or to the People, as is implied by the 10th Amendment.
- We should then defund ANY agency and/or program that is not SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED by the Constitution (or amendment thereunto). Return any excess to the States or to the People, as is implied by the 10th Amendment.
Based on his responses so far, he doesn’t seem to like my ideas much.
Senator Hatch, these are COMMON SENSE solutions that are right for the people of Utah.