Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Obama Attacks AZ – With UN Amnesty Plan

UN Human Rights Council To Decide On The Measures It Would Take In Case of “Persistent Non-cooperation” by AZ…

ALERT: Obama just attacked Arizona and America using the UN and Hillary Clinton’s State Department. Ignoring the court ruling that AZ Immigration Enforcement Law does not violate human rights but must be enforced by the Feds, Hillary issued a 29-page “Universal Periodic Review” (UPR) to the UN Human Rights Council, which indicted AZ and America, and seeks to force mass illegal alien amnesty on the United States.

Obama’s submission of the UPR is part of the plan to by-pass Congress for amnesty, and a UN review of the AZ law to culminate with the issuance of aplan of action to STOP AZ in 90 days from now by a panel of UN bureaucrats.

This is unquestionably UNCONSTITUTIONAL and UNACCEPTABLE. The United States can never be bound by the directives of an international body without the consent to treaty by the U.S. Senate!!! We have set up fax blasts to Bury Hillary, the UN Secretary General, the UN Human Rights Commission, the US State Department and send faxes to the home state offices of every House and Senate member — DEMANDING that they remove AZ from this disgraceful UPR.

Just when we thought the federal government’s lawsuit against Arizona was beyond the pale, now Obama goes to the United Nations to escalate the fight to an international level!

That’s right! In Obama’s shameful, precedent-setting first report to the U.N. Human Rights Council on the condition of human rights in the United States, Obama had the audacity to bash the state of Arizona, and the disloyalty to America to relegate it to third-world status, to denigrate and diminish our nation and please his global elitist pals!

This is yet another outrage against the spirit of liberty and sovereignty in America, and we cannot – WE MUST NOT STAND FOR IT!!!

That’s why your help is critical! MCDC Project is fighting to defend Arizona. It’s absolutely vital that American patriots come to the defense of Arizona and stand AGAINST AMNESTY!

If Obama is given a free pass on his “back-door amnesty” and defeats Arizona in future court action, the face of our country will be forever changed. They will have, in effect, brought into play millions of “instant illegal voters” with loyalty only to the Obama Democrats, and these “voters” in turn will, over time, deliver tens of millions of loyalty votes – votes that will keep the Amnesty supporters and their ilk in power for decades to come!


It’s obvious now more than ever that Obama has every intention of destroying our security and sovereignty by issuing mass amnesty through Executive Orders and Actions, and through his refusal to enforce current federal law.

In his report to the United Nations, Obama droned on about flaws in the U.S. Constitution, the evil of slavery, and a cornucopia of American defects and failures before demagoguing about how he is the savior of our nation, freeing us from the chains of human wickedness in America…

Later in the “Values and Immigration” section of his report came this admission: that Janet Napolitano’s Department of Homeland Security is maneuvering to provide better medical care for illegal immigrant detainees and is working to find “alternatives to detention”! Outrageous!!!

In translation that means that the Obama administration is offering free medical care promised to illegal aliens under ObamaCare even while they’re in prison awaiting deportation! Then there’s the promise to “explore alternatives to detention,” which we all know is code for “catch and release” – or as we hear from the ICE rank and file officers, “don’t even catch them at all”!

And then finally, Obama delivers the low-blow to Arizona, the only state to stand up to the federal government and dare to fight in federal court for their right to enforce the law… the federal law Obama deliberately and maliciously is undermining from all sides!

Obama writes:

“A recent Arizona law, S.B. 1070, has generated significant attention and debate at home and around the world. The issue is being addressed in a court action that argues that the federal government has the authority to set and enforce immigration law. That action is ongoing; parts of the law are currently enjoined.”

By referencing the ongoing lawsuit with Arizona in a UN Human Rights report, Obama has escalated the Arizona law debate to an international issue by bringing it under the review of the United Nations!

As a result of Obama’s outrageous report to the UN, the Arizona law will come under formal review and examination on November 5th by the three member countries that control the UN Human Rights Commission: France, Japan, and Cameroon (a radical Islamic nation).

The UN Commission will then issue directives on what they recommend the United States do in response to the Arizona law!


Under the leadership of Gov. Jan Brewer, Arizona is pushing back against the Obama administration. After Clinton appointee Judge Susan Bolton struck down key provisions of the Arizona law, Gov. Brewer immediately appealed the decision to the 9th Circuit Court.

But, as Gov. Brewer pointed out, it’s obvious to anyone paying attention that the 9th Circuit is a rubber stamp for Obama’s socialist, internationalist agenda. So this case is going to the Supreme Court…where it should be!

This legal battle will cost Arizona millions! What’s more, at least 22 other states are already poised to pass.

Arizona needs your help – do not leave them to defend the border alone!

Gov. Brewer has stated, “We need action from the federal government not signs ceding sovereign U.S. territory to international drug cartels and human smugglers.” Brewer sent a letter to Obama outlining her Four-Point Border Action Surge Strategy. This strategy contains most actions advised in the 2005 Norwood Minuteman Report, and the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project has been calling for these vital actions to be implemented for 5 years – and whole-heartedly supports them TODAY. As Gov. Brewer enumerated in her Four-Point Strategy to Obama:

  1. National Guard Personnel and Aviation
  2. Border Fence
  3. Enforce Federal Law and Appropriately Fund the Effort
  4. Reimburse States for the Additional Burden of Illegal Immigration

We Say, “Defend Arizona” – Obama And Feds Do Nothing but Sue AZ!

The tragedy is that the escalating violence in our southern sector could have been prevented years ago, and countless innocent American lives saved, if the federal government had responded to our warnings and recommendations, and had acted decisively for a secure border patrolled by the National Guard and a border fence! The level of accelerating violence and social chaos that has the President of the United States now ceding our territory to international bandits is the direct responsibility of the United States Government, and its gross dereliction of its duty under the US Constitution.

The Obama Administration was and still is grossly negligent in their sworn oaths of office to protect the sovereignty of the United States. The Government did not do its job and was complicit in the act when foreign nationals invade American soil and killed innocent US citizens! And now the situation only worsens, as Obama plays politics with border security, and his Justice Department STOPS Arizona for acting to save American lives, property and sovereignty!

Why is Washington’s response to try to SUPPRESS Arizona’s proper and Constitutional defense of our people and lands from foreign invasion? The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps sounded the alarm 5 years ago and this border crisis could have been prevented if the federal government had done its job!

Support Brewer DO NOT LET Obama Put More Americans at Risk.

Enough is enough! The line has to be drawn! Any human rights violations implicated in our border crisis are those of the vicious international drug and human trafficking cartels terrorizing our borderline and exploiting their victims! The invasion of America has to end! Justice has to be done for all the good, honest, Americans who have been killed, raped, kidnapped, stolen from, and abused by criminal illegal immigrants and alien gangs! American sovereign territory must be DEFENDED and HELD SECURE!!

It is a dark time in America; it seems as if our voices aren’t being heard. WE MUST NOT BACK DOWN! The most powerful things you have as a citizen is your voice and your ballot, even if so far in Washington, they REFUSE to listen. THE HOUR IS LATE, MAKE THEM HEAR US — it is the right thing to do!

TODAY is the day to help us mobilize common sense, patriotic Americans against this travesty!! The Obama Administration’s plan for Executive Order or US Citizenship and Immigration Service Executive Action mass amnesty MUST BE STOPPED!

Which is why I hope we can count on you for a much-needed donation of $25, $35, $50, $75, $100, $250, or more to Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project.

Yes, I know I am asking a lot of you today. Especially in these difficult economic times.

But please, remember what is at stake — the security, the safety, the sovereignty — very possibly the very survival of not just Americans, but America herself.

For more information go to

For America,

Carmen Mercer
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project


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2 Responses

  1. joelevi says:

    Obama Attacks AZ – With UN Amnesty Plan… #utpol #tcot #gop

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