Russia Builds “Dad Of All Bombs” — Russian state television says the military has successfully tested what it describes as the world’s most powerful non-nuclear air-delivered bomb. The military claims the bomb is comparable to a nuclear weapon, but doesn’t hurt the environment. More…
Putin DISSOLVES government — President Vladimir Putin has dissolved the Russian government on the request of the prime minister, the Kremlin said Wednesday, a major political shake-up ahead of crucial parliamentary and presidential elections.More…
Israel did strike Syria: US official — Israel carried out an air strike well inside Syria last week, apparently to send Damascus a message not to rearm Hezbollah in Lebanon, a US defense official said Tuesday.More…
Belgian Brownshirts Break Up Anti-Islamist Rally… — ( – Defying a legal ban, an estimated 200 people took part in a short-lived demonstration in Brussels Tuesday against “the islamization of Europe.” The gathering was disrupted when Belgian police intervened and detained scores of people, including several European lawmakers.More…
Islam Does Not Preach Co-Existence — If simple conversion was enough to create peace, Islamic nations would be the most peaceful nations, but nothing could be further from the truth.More…
Korean Hostages Told to Convert or Die by Taliban — No Stockholm syndrome here as the freed Korean Christian hostages describe the brutality of their Islamist captors. Imagine that, the Taliban tried to force the Korean hostages to convert. BBC:More…
MSA Harassing Christians — Entirely predictable. The Muslim Student Association at George Mason University harassing non-Muslims in ‘ecumenical’ prayer space….More…
Israel to retaliate after army base rocket attack — The rocket landed on an empty tent at the Zikkim base but hurled shrapnel into neighbouring tents where troops had been sleeping, causing the biggest single injury toll of any Qassam rocket attack.More…
Magnitude 7.9 – Southern Sumatra, Indonesia — 11:10:24 UTC More…
“9/11″ Zogby Poll Was Commissioned By Iran — >…This work by Zogby on Iran’s behalf may even be illegal, since American businesses have been restricted from dealing with Iran because of its sponsorship of terrorism. Though some of these sanctions have been subsequently relaxed. But even if it isn’t illegal it is highly questionable. And of course one wonders what was the purpose….>>More…
“Overwhelming joy” at rocket attack — While the English-language Palestinian Arab press has been muted in its reaction to the Qassam attack this morning that injured dozens of Israeli soldiers in Zikim, the Arabic newspapers are unrestrained in their enthusiasm.More…
Palestinian Rocket Fire on Israel Continues, 40 Remain Hospitalized — Palestinians from Gaza launched two more Kassam rockets at Israel. One rocket landed near Kibbutz Yad Mordechai and the other landed near a kibbutz south of Ashkelon. Forty soldiers remained hospitalized overnight following an attack on Tuesday morning.More…
al-Qaeda to Unleash All-Female Suicide Bombers for Ramadan… — Baghdad, 11 Sept. (AKI) – The ‘Islamic State of Iraq’, a monicker used by a group purporting to be al-Qaeda’s branch in the country, has announced it has created a ‘brigade’ of women suicide bombers, a London-based Arab news agency reported Tuesday.More…
59% of Americans Say US Has Changed for the Worse Since 9/11 — Ever since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, many Americans have believed that the events of that horrible day changed the United States forever. Each year that has gone by has seen an increase in the number who believe those changes have not been good for the nation.More…