H.R. 5175 – DISCLOSE Act is sponsored by Christopher Van Hollen (D, MD) and, on the face, looks like a good bill. However, what this bill will really do is turn over the names of persons who donate to political action committees (PACs) and other “Legislative Action” organizations, chances are, you’re one those people.
In a a phone call to Congressman Bishop’s D.C. office earlier today I was assured that he is opposed to this bill and will vote accordingly.
If you haven’t yet contacted your Congressman Bishop at 202-225-0453 (or your congressman, if you’re outside the Syracuse 08 Precinct) regarding H.R. 5175, the “DISCLOSE Act”, I would recommend you do so as soon as possible.
Sources on the Hill say this bill is coming to the House floor this Friday (June 17th, 2010) for a vote.
Remember, Congressman Bishop is your employee. It is your responsibility to tell him how you would like him to vote. Even if you are in agreement with his position, please take two minutes to call his office and let his staff know your stance.
Your phone call should go something like this:
Hello,I’m [your name], I’m one of the Congressman’s Constituents and a [political office that you hold, if any] back in Utah. I’m calling today to ask that the Congressman [support or oppose] H.R. 5175. Could you please pass my message on to him as soon as possible?