Dear friend of Liberty,
It’s do or die time in the fight to protect free speech.
With time running out before Congress’ August recess, Harry Reid is engaged in a mad final push to ram through the DISCLOSE Act before the clock runs out.
A cloture vote to end debate on the DISCLOSE Act (S. 3628) is scheduled for 2:45PM tomorrow.
Contact Senator Robert Bennett at (202) 224-5444 and/or by email and Senator Orrin Hatch at (202) 224-5251 and/or by email TODAY and demand they vote against cloture on DISCLOSE (S. 3628).
Senator Chuck Schumer has introduced a revised version and used Senate rules to bypass committee and go straight to the floor, meaning this so-called “transparency” bill will have as little transparency as Senate leaders can get away with.
We’ve fought this First Amendment-shredding, Big Labor-empowering infringement every step of the way, and we have a chance to strike a devastating blow and uphold the Bill of Rights by preventing cloture.
In fact, if the National Rifle Association and certain huge left-wing groups had not cut a deal to not be covered by DISCLOSE, the bill would have died in the House.
But if we don’t act now, we may not have the ability to in the future.
Contact Senator Robert Bennett at (202) 224-5444 and/or by email and Senator Orrin Hatch at (202) 224-5251 and/or by email TODAY and demand they vote against cloture on DISCLOSE (S. 3628).
The statists would love nothing more than to silence C4L and like-minded organizations by going after our donors for opposing their agenda.
Harry Reid is doing everything he can to railroad the opposition. Let’s show him the freedom movement will never back down.
In Liberty,
John Tate
It’s do or die time in the fight to protect free speech… #utpol #tcot #gop
@joelevi I find these posts odd. They say to be against but show no rational. I’m undereducated on the issue, these don’t seem to help.
@joelevi I might agree this law is unnecessary, but I don’t understand the “free speech” connection. Is there other crap hidden in the act?