Two Killed 12 Injured in Van Rollover, immigration arrests
CHICAGO — A Labor Day crash on an expressway southwest of Chicago killed a teenage girl and an adult man, and injured 12 others – all temporary workers on their way home from a job. U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement officials arrested four of the survivors, including the driver, 27-year-old Karina Salgado.
Suspected illegal immigrants due in court this morning
OHIO — Twenty suspected illegal immigrants arrested at Koch Foods last week are due in Fairfield Municipal Court this morning to answer to state charges. More than 160 suspected illegal immigrants were arrested as part of an Immigrations and Customs Enforcement raid one week ago at the chicken processing plant off Port Union Road in Fairfield.
Support Illegal Immigration – Pay Your Union Dues
Immigrant workers [legal or illegal] have always fed our economy, whether they were Irish immigrants or whether they are Latino immigrants. And we believe that those workers ought to be protected. That’s how you not only help the economy, but that’s how you help workers get power, by protecting those workers.
Carlos Carrillo, The Perfect NAU Border Patrol Chief
TEXAS — “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The Border Patrol’s job is not to stop illegal immigrants. The Border Patrol’s job is not to stop narcotics… or contraband or narcotics… the Border Patrol’s mission is not to stop criminals. The Border Patrol’s mission is to stop terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the country.”
40 invaders taken into custody at Arizona drop house
ARIZONA — Officers were investigating a report of a stolen car when a man came out of the house and told police that people inside were being held against their will. Nearly 40 illegal immigrants came out of the home. They have been turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Courts see more Spanish speakers but lack translators
In the four years she’s been a Justice Court judge, Nicki Boland has seen a dramatic change in Hinds County’s demographics. More and more Spanish-speaking people are turning up in the courtroom, she said – many of them without any background in English and little understanding of legal proceedings in the United States.
Stronger immigration laws proposed
VIRGINIA — A proposal by a handful of state Republicans, if passed by the General Assembly in the coming session, would put some teeth into immigration law enforcement at the local level. But some Democrats disagree…
Jupiter Center helps illegal immigrants find work
FLORIDA — Nearly one year after opening, founders of the El Sol Jupiter Resource Center say it has helped hundreds of people find work. Many of them are undocumented immigrants. The center links day laborers with potential employers. They say this removes the risk workers used to face by getting into strangers” vehicles to go to work sites.
Border-dwellers bellyache about border fence
Political leaders and community members from Laredo and Nuevo Laredo (Mex.) joined forces Sunday morning to send a clear message to proponents of a border fence that they believe sends the wrong message.”No wall,” the group of nearly 100 people from both sides of the border chanted at the Hands Across el Rio event.