Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Congress upset at mortgage company foreclosure "auto-signing", fails to see hypocracy

Have you heard about the “robo-signers” scandal in the mortgage industry? Mortgage company employees have signed foreclosure-related affidavits without knowing if they were true.

Professor Donald J. Boudreaux draws a parallel to Congress not reading the bills they pass.

The politicians are screaming and waving their hands about the “robo-signers” in the mortgage industry, but, hypocrites that they are, they refuse to do anything about their own “robo-legislating.”

Please condemn this hypocrisy. Please inform Congress of this parallel and tell them to introduce and pass the Read the Bills Act.

You may borrow from or copy this letter . . .

Professor Donald J. Boudreaux compares the alleged “robo-signers” of mortgage-foreclosure documents to . . . YOU!

Robo-signers are “posers who sign and give life to legal documents without even reading the contents of these documents.”

Whereas, Congress votes “to give life to legislation without even reading the contents of the legislation.”

According to, the House has passed 346 bills and the Senate 183 bills so far in 2010. The average bill length is 44 pages.

Did you read any of them? Or are you a “robo-legislator?”

We the people are are always impacted – and often hurt – by your legislation. Do us the decency of at least knowing what you’re voting for. Take the bills you’re considering as seriously as if you were signing a foreclosure document on someone’s house.

You can send your letter using’s Educate the Powerful System.

Also, see the bills that Congress passed in September on our blog.

And we invite you to add your blog or website to the Read the Bills Act Coalition. You will spread the word about RTBA, and in return your site will be listed on our main page and be mentioned in a Dispatch like this. Learn more and join here.

Jim Babka, President


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