Updated to include old (1999) blog entries
I was browsing though some old web files and came across an old web log (in the days before ‘blogs existed) from 1999. I’ve converted the...
I was browsing though some old web files and came across an old web log (in the days before ‘blogs existed) from 1999. I’ve converted the...
Via my buddy Steve Kangas, I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to...
I was browsing around in a simple java web browser today and tried MSN’s website. This browser doesn’t understand styles, so it’s not surprising that @import...
CAUTION: This post may make you feel uncomfortable, it is not politically correct, it brings up race issues, and (hopefully) makes you think. If any of...
There are basically three types of images that can be used on the internet today: .gif .jpeg .png .GIFs are nice because they’ve been around forever,...
My son Michael (6) watched a few minutes of Apollo 13 with me yesterday. He was enthralled by the rocket launch sequence. I asked him some...
It’s just about time for me to upgrade my Pocket PC (currently an HP iPAQ 4155) again. Around 2001 I had an HP Jornada 468; I...