Gonzales Resigns; Who's next in line?
With the resignation of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales(1, 2) (effective 17 September 2007) several questions come to mind: Why resign? Why resign NOW? What’s Pres. Bush’s reaction...
With the resignation of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales(1, 2) (effective 17 September 2007) several questions come to mind: Why resign? Why resign NOW? What’s Pres. Bush’s reaction...
Interesting quote from The Pirate Bay to the MPAA/RIAA: This is how it works. Whatever you sink, we build back up. Whomever you sue, ten...
Today (8/22/07) WOOT.com is featuring a 30GB Zune (new) for $149.99, you can buy up to 3 for only $5 shipping (total). I normally don’t blog...
MSN Messenger has teamed up with Pandora to bring Internet Radio one step closer to the masses. Launch MSN Messenger and open the “MSN Radio” tab, from there...
The music download website whose activities threatened to scupper Russia’s entry into the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has been shut down. Allofmp3.com, an VERY inexpensive pay-per-song...
Apparently you’ll finally be able to put your WiFi to good use by using open WiFi hotspots and Microsoft points for downloading tracks. (Sorry, no word...
“As the climate grows more and more desperate for record labels, their answer to their mostly self-inflicted wounds seems to be to screw the consumer over...