Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Tagged: Interests

The Full 12 Minute Lost Epilogue

“Sorry for the quality… it’s a transfer from an old beta-max.” (Hat tip to Mike Dopp for the link)

Tron: The Legacy

File this one under “Must See”:

Would you like to be a prepper, too?

I’m a geek I’m a geek. I know it. You know it. Everybody who knows me knows that I’m a geek. I work in front of...

Gift Ideas for the Geek in your Life

Nintendo Wii: $200 w/ free shipping Upgrade your loved one’s computer to Windows 7: Frustration-free packaging (read: no bloody fingers to open) on toys...

Can I save you 1.2175 hours per year?

(Inspired by Levi’s blog entry.) Using a new shoe-lacing and a new shoe tying technique, I’ve been able to save three seconds every time I put...