Mike Lee on the Balanced Budget Amendment
Bank failures. Bailouts. Failed stimulus packages. A surging federal deficit. Unemployment ticking up month by month, week by week. All you have to do is turn...
Bank failures. Bailouts. Failed stimulus packages. A surging federal deficit. Unemployment ticking up month by month, week by week. All you have to do is turn...
Dodge. Duck. Stall. Sweep it under the rug. Those are the plays the Fed-loving, statist politicians in Washington are calling now that you are demanding an...
Last night, the U.S. House voted to shred the Constitution by passing H.R. 514, a bill to extend three controversial provisions of the Fourth Amendment-destroying “PATRIOT”...
If you and other liberty activists don’t take immediate action, Congress will once again pass a sneak attack on your rights by re-authorizing the so-called “PATRIOT”...
Dear Patriot, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has scheduled a vote for today to rip apart Senate rules so they can ram through more Big Government...
C4L Friends, Tonight there is a meeting with the Davis county commission to discuss salary increases, 2010 budget adjustments, & 2011 budget in a public meeting...
This Wednesday, the Senate will hold cloture votes on the Police-Firefighter Forced Unionism bill, the DREAM Act, a package for 9/11 responders, and legislation that would...