Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Joe Levi

New Web Host

I’ve been freeloading for far too long from a friend who’s been graciously hosting my websites. Today I’ve contracted for a new server to host

Fraudulent Memos?

Via… You may have heard about the memos that’ve recently surfaced charging that President Bush didn’t complete his National Guard Service commitments. The evidence for...

"Not Quiet As" Longhorn

According to TechNewsWorld Microsoft is trimming back the proposed feature set of their upcoming operating system (codenamed “Longhorn”). Recently, Longhorn’s release date was pushed up from...

Google AdSense

Years ago I tried the whole “make money off your website” deal. Most were ad banners that were ads for other ad banners (ePipo, AllAdvantage, etc.)....

out of phone numbers by 2025?

According to this C|Net article, “Federal agencies estimate that [we’ll] run out of 10-digit [phone] numbers, which include area codes, by 2025.” The article doesn’t say...

math tricks

What’s 852? Why, that’s simple! 7,225! How do I know that? Well, thanks to the Vedics (who predate Christ), we have mathematical shortcuts all rolled up...