Joe Levi:
a cross-discipline, multi-dimensional problem solver who thinks outside the box – but within reality™

Category: About Joe Levi


Ali’s post about how a 3-year old thinks about a power failure got me thinking about self-sustainability again. He huffed and he puffed My neighbor (Russell...

Hybrid Vehicles

I Want One For those of you who know me it should come as no surprise that I want a hybrid vehicle. My quest began some...

Favorite Song of the Day

Just before the “Grand Yellowstone Adventure of 2006” I’d listened to a song a little too much (thanks! ;)). It got stuck in my head…...


Whether by coincidence or design the bulk of my family has birthdays all in one big lump. My wife’s birthday is June 24th (which is also...

Regina Spektor introduced me to Regina Spektor. Many have referenced early Tori Amos when describing her music. I’d tend to agree, though with a completely unique sound...