Today Senator Bennett by voting against an amendment to audit the Federal Reserve Bank that he is out-of-touch with his constituents and that as Delegates we were right to fire him at Convention.
Senator Bennett’s Nay vote puts him on the side of endless bailouts and an unelected and unaccountable Federal Reserve whose destructive policies have had a very detrimental impact on our economy. Please, contact Senator Bennett and tell him that we will not stand for his continued disregard of our will, and that as his employers, We The People hold him accountable for his reckless votes. Sen. Robert Bennett, 431 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510; (202) 224-5444.
Please contact Senator Hatch, thank him for casting his Yea vote to audit the Fed, and ask him to oppose the Dodd Fed Empowerment Act. Senator Hatch, 104 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510; (202) 224-5251.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Joe Levi. Joe Levi said: Audit the Fed: Today Senator Bennett by voting against an amendment to audit the Federal Reserve Bank that he is o… […]
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Joe Levi. Joe Levi said: Audit the Fed: Today Senator Bennett by voting against an amendment to audit the Federal Reserve Bank that he is o… […]